Saturday, July 18, 2009

On a hot summer day...........

Where you gonna go?????? 7 Peaks!!!!!!!! On Tuesday the 14th of July we had a small Anderson get together and had a blast at the water park. We spent all day visiting, eating and riding the slides.
Nona and Robin having more fun then the kids on the Flusher and the Half Pipe Colby and I visiting Grandma Mary back at the Cabana
Krissy and Marcus on the double tube Colby on my second attempt at getting this cool picture One of the last rides of the day, Colby, Krissy and I on the Hot Shot


Van Tassell said...

I love the first picture of you guys holding the double tube ... almost looks like an "album cover" for your band.


Van Tassell said...

I would dare to go down that yellow slide Colby. How many times did you do it? I think I could do it more.


Anonymous said...

So fun!!! Great pictures!