Thursday, January 28, 2010

Griffis Statistics

It's almost our one year anniversary, just thinking back to when we met a lot has happened!

-Days we've known each other 714
-Married 321 days
-Christmas' together 2
-Kids 0
-Trips 3
32 hour drive to Virginia
Colby's Birthday in Virginia
Honeymoon in Vegas
+ Multiple Bear Lake trips
+ Wendover Fun Bus 1
-Dogs 1,
Rogue, never thought I'd have a dog but now Colby says I'm soft. I think he might be right and I might even like her more then he does.
Colby: dishes, laundry, vacuuming, trash and picking me up from work
Barbie: repairs, bathroom, kitchen, cooking and yard work
-Nights apart since our wedding 18
Babysitting for VTs 14
Stuck in Norfolk for Delta Bucks 1
Girls in Wendover 2
Preparing Thanksgiving at Robin's 1
-Places lived 1
-Birthdays together
Colby's 2
Barbie's 2
-TV seasons watched on DVD 11
Firefly, Veronica Mars, One Tree Hill, The Office, Lost, Heroes, Big Love, True Blood, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, NCIS and Wonder Woman.
-Jazz games attended 4
-Times appeared together on Jumbo tron 3

It has been a great 714 days! I'm so lucky to have found my best friend and get to do so many fun and amazing things together. Love you so much Honeyo!


Van Tassell said...

You are so cute. I love you guys so made me tear up a little. I miss you guys.

The Hendricks Family said...

Congrats on such happy times. I love your chore lists! I couldn't do the repairs, you go girl!