Sunday, September 14, 2008

Colby and I

So, it's already been six months. Colby and I started dating on the 14th of March and met almost exactly one month before that on February 15th. We spend pretty much every day together and have a ton of fun. We were never the typical newly dating couple, we only went on a few actual dates. Lucky enough for me being such a homebody and Colby being as outgoing as he is, he instantly fit in with all of my family. So we've spent the last few months hanging out at my house with Katie, Tyler and Patrick, playing with Ben, Betsy and the kids (when they were here), going to Bear Lake and playing with Val, Mark and Layla. This being the case we decided to plan something for our anniversary.
We started our afternoon by going miniature golfing at a tiny place called Dottie's, it was a blast! However this was mostly due to how bad I was, how good Colby was and how silly the holes were. One was just a rock in front of the hole with a toy motorcycle glued to it.
Afterwards we went to dinner at T.G.I.Fridays and ended our night just watching TV and eating treats on the couch. It may not sound like much but it was one of the funnest nights ever.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Bathroom and Bungee Buddies

Way back when our old bathroom sink broke we decided it was time for a remodel. It was hard and tragic to see the old maroon and pink tile go but it had to be done. We enlisted the help of my cousin Davey and uncle John, who are always so willing to help no matter the time or project. It was finally finished enough to start being used last Thursday, we've been happily enjoying it's use ever since. I love having a brand new perfect bathroom that includes a deep jetted tub, which I've always wanted. Thanks again to everyone that helped in all kinds of ways!

Patrick, Val, Colby and I played a game called Bungee Buddies on our wii. It's a pretty intense game and very entertaining to watch. One of the funniest parts is after you've finished your race you have to mimic the game and do a 'commemorative pose'. I'm so glad I have friends who are willing to make fools of themselves for fun.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Trip to Ba-ginia

On the 23 of July when Ben and Betsy's cars were never picked up, Colby and I decided to drive the van to Virgina. Luckily neither of us have 'adult' jobs so we left first thing the next morning at 6am. We drove from SLC up though Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia and finally we made it to Virginia. We only stopped (at midnight) and slept one night in a very small town called Shelbyville, MO. Stupidly we couldn't get the concept of the time changes and woke up at 3am (Utah time) and didn't realize until we were good and awake. Although due to this fact we were able to make it to Ben and Betsy's new house by 10pm (Utah time).

Once we made it we spent a total of seven day with the fam. We swim every day at the Grove pool (after we'd have to hop in Betsy's huge tub, luckily it fits five), toured the state capitol, swam at Virgina Beach, floated 4 miles down the James River and played a lot of 'Sardines' in the empty house. The day we left we had to fly out of Reagan Airport in DC. Which is about an hour and a half away so we decided to spend it all in DC. We went to The White House, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial WWII Memorial and a few other attractions. This quick impromptu trip helped with the anxiety of the Van Tassell's moving, until they dropped us off at the airport. I couldn't help losing it when the kids asked if 'we could just stay a few more days'. I've never been so temped to move in my life! I miss them like crazy and it hasn't gotten much easier. But thank goodness for cell phones and blogs!