A perk of working at Kingsbury Hall, we get to go to a few shows. This weekend (Saturday, May 16th) was David Copperfield. We decided to go after my shift at nine o'clock. The show was awesome, loved every second of it! Our seats were really good and Colby was hoping he'd get called on but it was right at the end of the show, so we were doubting it. But then, Copperfield began throwing balls into the audience and we bounced them around and when the music stopped, if you had one to got to go on stage. Of course, Colby being lucky like he is caught one and got called onto the stage for the finale. Copperfield put Colby and nine other audience members into a hanging box with chairs and flashlights, covered them up and made them disappear. Suddenly, seconds later they reappeared at the back of the theatre. Colby was so excited to be a part of a magic trick and a really cool one at that! He was also lucky enough to go backstage and shake David Copperfield's hand and even got a signed

icture. (I only had my phone for p

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