Also, it wouldn't be a true Dad's Day without some work and swearing. Nona and I got up early, both lucky to get the day off and began work on are always shabby backyard. Although in the last few years if you saw it from beginning to end there has been a dramatic change (thanks to BVT2 and kids) and we're still workin!
We have lots of crazy over grown pyracantha and rose bushes, we started hacking and trimming but it took quite a while to even make a dent. This is where the swearing comes in......
About eleven or twelve years ago, on a similar project, Dad, Betsy, Katie and I were trimming bushes and a cherry tree. Dad has a shed he built out with electricity and everything. So, before we were allowed to begin work we needed a lesson in how not to cut the electric wiring he had running from the house to the shed. Which Dad started by saying 'be very careful and you have to avoid cutting the wires or you might get shocked', and 'see do it just like this.....'. Suddenly Dad got zapped when he clipped both wires. Then a few swear words later and a look at the clippers that now had a little charred hole in them, we couldn't help but laugh at him and bug him about it the rest of the day. He even thought it was pretty funny.

Anyway, so while Mom and I are working she decided to run inside for drinks and I was still outside with the electric bush trimmer. I suddenly see wires whip passed my face and immediately tangle up in the trimmer. Scared for my life I drop the trimmer, now attached to the wires. Needless to say, being my father's daughter I also said a few words. There was no shock but backing up slowly I look to see where the wires are attached, lo and behold the very wires that used to run electricity to the shed. Luckily for me Dad had clipped them a few years earlier.

Wow...you guys did tons of work. Of course, I loved the story. I can picture it so well, that I feel like I was there. I guess you weren't really listening when Dad told us not to cut them . . . or you were just being your rebel self. Just kidding, well sort of. Anyway, the backyard looks awesome. Good work girls.
I miss your Dad too. I love to hear that story I can see all it so clearly. I am glad you guys are keeping up the tradition.
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